When I shut my computer down on Saturday night I had 18 followers and to my delight this morning when I turned it on I had 21 glorious followers!
Thank you all so much for being my friends and finding my crafts and thoughts entertaining enough to want to follow them! What a fitting day to get up and see the love (especially since the hubs and I don't really do Valentine's Day)!!
And that leads me into this question...since I don't usually get to bask in flowers or chocolate or tennis bracelets on this wonderful day, please tell me what did you get? What did you give? Or what are you doing to celebrate this day of love with your special someone??? I didn't get anything, nor did I give anything (except my whole heart day after day) and to celebrate this amazing day of love we will be at baseball practice this evening... However, I do get to throw and attend parties at the kids school, so at least some 4th graders will think I'm pretty awsome maybe even awsome enough to get a valentine from one of them???!!
I would love to hear what you have going on, so please share!
My husband and I don't do anything either except cards. I bought a cute tutu for my daughter and a lego set for my son with a small box of chocolates.