
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Gallery Wall

I know several years ago cross walls and by complete accident we hopped on the band wagon. Over the years our wall has grown mighty large with crosses from all over and of all textures. So you can call me old school or dated or even out of fashion but I love our gallery cross wall. It is in our formal dining (which is not really formal but pretty relaxed with peacock feathers, burlap and tarnished silver goblets) on the wall that you see as soon as you enter the house. I am so proud of our collection of thoughtfully aquired crosses I want it to be one of the first things noticed. 

So here you go, my version of a gallery wall! 


Linked to:
Organize and Decorate Everything


  1. I am popping over from the Gallery Wall party. I love seeing your work. (Mine is #10.)


    Gg - Notes on the Journey

    PS. I was just in a store in Cannon Beach Oregon with a wall of crosses. Yours is even more beautiful.

  2. That's pretty cool; its a totally different take on a gallery wall. Looks great :-)

  3. I love your cross collection, so creative and meaningful!! Thanks for sharing your gallery wall with us!!!

  4. I have a cross wall too & love the reminder it gives me (and anyone else who looks at it) of Jesus dying for my sins. As a mom of 4 boys I also have scriptures here & there too. I can't force them to read their Bible, but I can put it in their paths :)

  5. What a great cross collection. I love gallery walls. Thanks for linking to Home Decor and Organizing Link Party.

  6. تعد الحشرات من أكثر المشكلات التي تجابه آلآنسان في حياة اليومية نتيجة لـ كثرة الإزعاج الذي تسببها الحشرات ويَبقى يبحث عن أفضل حل للقضاء على تلك الحشرات ويقوم بشراء مواد مبيدة عالية السعر التي تسبب العديد من آلأضرار حتى عقب القضاء على الحشرات. ولكن مع مؤسسة مكافحة حشرات بتبوك قمنا بحل جميع المشكلات بواسطة مجموعة هائلة من الأجهزة الجديدة التي تمكننا من القضاء على جميع الحشرات بصورة سريعة وآمنة بلا أي مشكلات كما نقوم ايضا باستعمال مواد مبيدة ليس لها أي آثار جانبية على صحة الآنسان والتي تقوم بالقضاء على جميع الحشرات بصورة فعالة.

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