
Friday, February 11, 2011

I got not just 1, but 2 awards!!!

A hugh thanks to
for the Versatile Blogger Award!!!

What a normal, blah kinda day I was having until I open up my email this evening and BAM!
Not just one but two awards!!
The feeling is overwhelming and humbling and everything in between. I started this blog last month on an idea that my friend and I brainstormed and now WOW is all I can say. I love to craft and decorate and organize and my hope for this blog is that it will inspire people to be
1st: happy with what they have
 2nd: strive to be the best you that you can be by maintaining a home that is pleasing to you and your family.
I do that with my crafting and obsessive organizing, it's different for us all, some bake and others iron. Eitherway I am so overjoyed that so many are taking a notice! Thank you so much ladies!!!
Here's how the awards works:

Thank and link back to the person(s) who bestowed the awards

Share 7 random things about yourself

Nominate 15 other awesome bloggers

Contact those bloggers and inform them about the award

So now on to the real fun! 7 totally random things about me...hum...

1. I hate roaches with a passion, one tried to attack me 10 years ago and that started my insane phobia of those little nasty things.

2. My mom died of breast cancer at 43 and my dad died of pancreatic cancer at 56 and I have a fear that I will not live past 44.

3. I was 19 when I got married and had my first son. I thought I was the smartest 19 year old alive, but now looking back, I see I was just as dumb as all the rest.

4. I have been married to the most amazing man for 10 years and have 2 of the most amazing boys with him.

5. I love to go to the deer lease with my husband and boys and wear my camo coveralls and baseball hats, however I do not like to kill anything.

6. I have a chiuahuah named Sadie who sleeps on my pillow with me everynight, and if she is not there I can't sleep.

7. I use cheap shampoo and conditioner even though I know better and I hate it.

I am passing this award on to the following amazing ladies, go check out their blogs! They all have great stuff going on!
And this last one is a biggie on my list, this is the FIRST blog I ever found, it was through Layla that I discoverd this whole crazy world of blogging and all that greatness that comes with it!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning me! I'm honored!

    Fun reading more about you!
