
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love A Good Find

I happened to stumble upon a new blog today, the blog isn't new but me finding it is!!!! I love it when you find others out there in the world like you, it just makes me feel so good and less crazy that there are more women in the world who are organizing crazies!!!

Jen over at IHeart Organizing is totally amazing and so real. A girl who isn't afraid to show it like it is and change it! Her blog is fun and funny and full of great ideas and loads of pictures!

I mean seriously look at this

And this

These are closets from her house! I am so inspired!!!

Makes me want to go organize or wall paper something. The one thing I really love is all her closets are not just clean and organized but so FANCY too!!! Definately some wallpapering in my future!! Thanks Jen for sharing your story!!!

IHeart Organizing



  1. Oh yes, I've been lovin' on her blog for quite sometime now! Awesome, no?

  2. Jen, I gave you an award! Come on over to my blog & check it out & let me know if you accept! Allison @

  3. Gave you an award too! awesome are you??? I really do love all your ideas and you inspire me to the fullest!

  4. Thoughtful blog, thanks for posting
